China IVECO ratchet Produsen, Supplier, Pabrik

Produsen lan pemasok profesional China IVECO ratchet, kita duwe pabrik dhewe. Sugeng rawuh kanggo tuku IVECO ratchet kualitas dhuwur saka kita. Kita bakal menehi kutipan puas. Ayo padha gotong royong kanggo nggawe masa depan sing luwih apik lan entuk manfaat.

Produk Panas

  • ZHONGKE JUFENG 3.5 Kubik Meter Mixer Truck

    ZHONGKE JUFENG 3.5 Kubik Meter Mixer Truck

    With a ZHONGKE JUFENG 3.5 Cubic Meters Mixer Truck, this mixer truck can carry an impressive amount of concrete. The drum is made of high-quality steel and is coated with a special material to prevent rusting and abrasion.


    Ing jantung yaiku teknologi BYD Seagull E2 Blade Battery sing canggih, sing nyedhiyakake jangkauan sing luwih dawa tanpa ngrusak Kapadhetan energi utawa safety. Kanthi jarak nganti 405km kanthi biaya siji, E2 cocog kanggo lelungan jarak adoh utawa lelungan kutha.
    Rega: $11560 (FOB)
  • Forklift HELL K2

    Forklift HELL K2

    With a lifting capacity of up to 3000kg, the HELI K2 Forklift is equipped to handle even the heaviest loads with ease.

Kirim Pitakonan

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